Hi, My name is Jack Johnson,
I live in New Zealand and I love drawing all sorts of crazy things.
I really want to go to the UK to see my nanna and grandad.
Mum says she's tired of hearing about all of the many things I want, so she's set up this site so I can start earning some money to help to pay for my ticket to the UK and buy my own stuff.
My mum is a bit mean as she says she's trying to cultivate kindness and generosity and doesn't want me buying plastic rubbish. She says that I am only allowed to keep 50% of the left over profits for pocket money and give 50% to a charity. I make $6.50 profit per T-Shirt so I think I may need to sell alot!!
If you buy one of these T-shirts you will look really cool because I really want to wear all of them to school too. Oh, mum says that costs money too and I need to sell some first. grrrhhh.